De Mimmetaal

Welcome to the website of the Mimmetaal Terschelling Foundation!
Mimmetaal means Mother Tongue and represents the 3 regional languages ​​that Terschelling is rich in:
1) Schylingers (Western) spoken on the western part of the island.
2) Meslànzers (Midslanders) spoken on the middle part of the island.
3) Aasters (Eastern) spoken on the eastern part of the island
These three regional languages ​​are under pressure and are spoken by fewer and fewer people.
We at the Mimmetaal Foundation aim to keep the regional languages ​​on the island alive. We try to bring this to the attention and keep it that way by bringing various activities, organised by different groups.
We believe that by working with our regional languages ​​in different ways, the languages ​​will remain in the spotlight. Language is a way in which we can connect and stay connected with each other. A regional language with its own uniqueness in expressions, words and timbre, gives an extra dimension to the way in which people from a region are connected to each other.
We are convinced of the importance of preserving our island regional languages, which together with traditions, dance and song, make up the uniqueness of our island. We cherish all this beauty and are committed to it with love and passion.
On this website you will find more information about the history, activities of the various working groups, poems, projects, audio files with spoken regional language and so on.
We strive to provide as complete a picture as possible of the regional languages ​​on our beautiful island of Terschelling on this site.
Enjoy our website!

Lit mi net et lân ferjitte
fan myn ta en fan myn mim.
Lit mi net et lân ferjitte
wir ik self geboren bin.
Lit mi jongs yn myn gedachten,
nog et trouwe toerjecht sjean.
Lit my net ferjitte wir de tsjerk,
et ôde riedhuus stean.
Lit mi tinke oan de haven
wir de boatsys yn et jecht
fan de maan te riiden lizze
oan har touwen fest en hecht.
Lit my net de taal ferleare
- is 't eak weinig wat ik siz-,
lit my net de taal ferleare,
di mi et allerjeafste is

Lit mi net ferjitte (Tiny van Noord- Bos)

About us

Coming soon!




Coming soon!




Foto door Wim van 't Einde van Unsplash

The Language route

Coming soon!





Coming soon!




              photo by Nico Donkerbroek



08-09-2024, 15:56

De Mimmetaal website is opened!

Welcome to our website! As you can see we're just starting and are currently working hard on adding more items to this page. We're looking forward to the future, hopefully until then!   More